Tip: Saving for Photography (or anything else)

Posted by posted by Kevin Barber Monday, December 29, 2008 at

I have heard of this site before, but I came across it again today and thought up a new tip for its use.

Its called "Smarty Pig" and the idea is that it works like a savings account, but the cool thing is that you set a goal - let's say for wedding photography from your favorite photographer (Barber Photography, right? ;-) ) - you can then have your family and friends (who will soon become better friends) help contribute to that goal. Just like a banking account, you earn interest (I think it is like 3.9% right now - kinda hard to beat).

Now you can rest assured that you don't have to settle for less than what you really want in your photography.

Yes, technically, it DOES work for other things besides photography, but just think how many years you'll be enjoying that custom-designed wedding album, or beautiful framed canvas family portrait!

It is also worth pointing out that Smarty Pig is also based right here out of Des Moines!

If you've used Smarty Pig or a similar thing before, please, leave a comment and tell me what you think of it - or do you have any other creative ideas for it?

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